Regular activities that take place at Florence Park Community Centre include:
The Florence Park Over 60's Club meets every Friday 12-2pm.
The Florence Park Cake Club (Baby Group), a drop in group for Non mobile Babies meets every Weds 10.00 - 12.00pm
The Florence Park Toddle Time (Baby Group), a drop in group for mobile Babies - 2yrs meets every Weds 12.15 - 2.15pm
The Florence Park Flower Club meets every fourth Monday 8pm
Book Group every 1st Monday of month 2.30 - 4pm.
The Social Pub Sunday Lunch, every First Sunday of the month 12noon - 3pm
The centre is open as a Social club & bar every Weds, Thurs & Fri evening from 7.30pm. Come along for a drink at the bar and to meet your neighbours.
Click the'What's On'for a diary of regular activities and classes, including pilates, community choir, exercise classes, kids martial arts, T'ai Chi and lots more.
To book a room at the centre, just go to the 'How to Hire' page,